Bikes That Heal/Wildcat Epic 100 Bike Event seeks volunteers 8/8

Aug 5, 2010

Call for Volunteers for the weekend of the 7-8th August:

The Wildcat Epic 100 is a 2-day mountain biking experience that will take place on the 7th and 8th of August, 2010 right here in our very own the Shawangunk Mountains. This event features two 50mile stages raced over 2 days. Competitors will ride a course beginning in the village of New Paltz, continuing through the challenging and uniquely beautiful Mohonk Preserve and Minnewaska SP, with the rail trail connecting these areas to fresh trails on apple farms in Gardiner and private single track in Williams lake.

We are looking for volunteers to help out on road crossings along the Rail Trail and be part of the logistics team for the event. You can volunteer for just one or both days and we will place you on the course to monitor road crossings during the event between Gardiner and Rosendale. All points are accessible by car or volunteers can even get a ‘Bikes That Heal/ bike and ride down to a designated road crossing on the Rail Trail.

From more info about the Wildcat event go to and volunteer details are below.

Please call me or respond to this email and we will get you signed up and send this email around to spread the word.


Volunteer Benefits

We recognize that your time is valuable and want to make sure that you are rewarded for your time and efforts. All volunteers that commit to the whole time slot will receive:

* Meal Plan Access (Breakfast & Dinner);
* Event Shirt;
* Event Goodie Bag.

Would be volunteers please read over the various job descriptions and requirements to see if there is somewhere you could help us.

Volunteer rolls we need filled:

Course monitors to assist with monitoring points along the race
course and monitor road crossing road crossings. Providing moral support and showing the direction of the racecourse. Some points will be accessible by car and all material and equipment will be provided.

Aid Station Captains and staff to manage all aspects of an aid station.
Set up tent, table, and food supplies. Provide top-notch service and encouragement to racers as they pass through. Record time and race numbers of each team. Maintain contact with Race Director to provide status updates. Captains will need transport to assist with moving supplies and maybe some aid station staff.

We will place you out on the course at a location depending on your time available, but do request that you stay to complete your roll and not jeopardize the event by leaving early.

Saturday and or Sunday the race starts at 8am. Depending on your location on the course we will need you from around 7:30 am.

We also have some key course related rolls to be fill to.
We will have a team for course marking and sweeping, we need EMT’s out on bikes , and we need a few ‘rabbits’ to check the course early each morning.

Benefits: We will provide all instructions and equipment, refreshments, for a commitment of a half day or more we have a meal voucher from the Guided Otter and an event t-shirt.
Plus the opportunity to get out in Ulster County. If you have a friend who wants to race you can help them and volunteer for race credits.

Contact: Race director Gunter Spilhaus at 845 256 8073 or email

BIKES THAT HEAL aims to promote awareness about and raise monies to help find cures for blood cancers. The organization also strives to combat rising fuel prices, pollution, and obesity in our country. With the support of the New Paltz community, BIKES THAT HEAL demonstrates a step toward clean air, reduced energy consumption, traffic congestion, a healthier environment, and an overall improved quality of life for residents and visitors.

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