Ulster County SPCA Needs

Ulster County SPCA Needs ▪ Working fax machine ▪ Volunteer: Veterinary Tech ▪ Volunteer: cat clean-up Contact Brian Shapiro @ 845.331.5377 x 211 UCSPCA New Volunteer Orientations Thursday Sept. 17 from 5 – 6:15pm Thursday, Oct. 15 from 5 – 6 :15PM. Thursday,...

2009 Family of New Paltz Turkey Trot

November 26th, 2009, 9am This year because of the Chip Timing we will need many extra volunteers (15+). We will need volunteers to put together packets, which must be matched up with the correct runner. And for the day of the run, we need volunteers for set up and...

Family of Ellenville Volunteer Opportunities

Penny Social Family of Ellenville is holding its annual Penny Social fundraiser on Saturday September 26 at the Norbury Hall of the Pioneer Fire Co located at Center Street in Ellenville. Doors open at 5 pm and calling begins at 6:30 pm. We have a wide variety of...

Pine Hill Area Community Supper and Food Giveaway

Pine Hill Area Community Supper and Food Giveaway Occurs every 2 weeks on Monday, starting September 28, 2009 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm; Free Pine Hill Community Center. 287 Main Street, Pine Hill, NY . Map. 254-5469‎. Occurs every 2 weeks on Monday. All are welcome...

Bike for Cancer Raises over $92,000

Kingston, N.Y. – Sep. 28, 2009 – 400 riders turned out to show their support of the Sixth Annual Bike for Cancer Care held on Sunday, September 20th, to benefit the Rosemary D. Gruner Memorial Cancer Fund. The event featured a 5-, 25- and 50-mile ride...