How many bins?!

Wednesday was something else. . .you guys totally rocked my world. There was one point when I looked up to see a row of cars coming over the hill and I almost cried (hey, I’m an emotional girl). . .there were 35 cars in that row and the parking lot was already...

Volunteer with the New Paltz Youth Program!

Volunteering is not only a fulfilling way to spend your spare time, but it can also help build a resume or fufill community service hours for school or court. The NPYP participates in most town events including the Taste of New Paltz, Unity In Diversity Festival, 4th...

Neighbor-to-Neighbor Caregiver Volunteer

GIVE A NEIGHBOR THE GIFT OF INDEPENDENCE! Neighbor to Neighbor Program puts volunteers who wish to help others in touch with neighbors who need assistance to remain in their homes. Many elderly or homebound residents live in isolation with little family or few friends...


The Ulster County CA$H Coalition, led by the United Way of Ulster County, is seeking qualified volunteers to provide free tax preparation services to low-income individuals and families so that they can receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Volunteer training...

Thanksgiving Events – Donations of goods or time needed!

Consider Volunteering Thanksgiving Week at Queens Galley We have begun to receive calls about our annual celebration for Thanksgiving. We encourage new volunteers to consider coming out to give a hand either the two days before the holiday or the day after. There are...