Feb 3, 2010
Thursday, March 11th, 2010 6-9pm at the United Health Group Cafeteria 505 Boices Lane Kingston, NY Meet Author and Writer Martha Frankel, Guest Host First game starts at 6:20pm. Each game last 20 minutes. ULA’s special tournament rules are on the reverse of this...
Jan 31, 2010
The Alzheimer’s Association is currently recruiting volunteers throughout Ulster County. We are looking for people who are interested in getting involved in a great cause, and who have between one and three hours of time per week to donate. Our Ulster County...
Jan 30, 2010
Planting Seeds A Wellness Conference at Lifebridge Sanctuary and a Celebration of Youth Food and Agriculture February 6, 2010 9am-3pm, 60 people maximum Youth, agriculture and wellness focused programs are invited to attend as a networking opportunity and a collective...
Jan 30, 2010
Incredible educational opportunity for students and workers seeking to gain organic farming experience alongside some of the Hudson Valley’s best community and business-minded farmers. Liberty View Farm is seeking a volunteer apprentice(s) beginning April-May...
Jan 30, 2010
Job Description: This is an unpaid position involving research (primarily using the Internet) on topics to be covered in various issues of our publication, the Healthcare Communication Review. Depending upon the volunteer’s skill and interest, it may also include...