H.I.T.S. is Off & Jumping!

Schedule for the Sunday Grand Prix classes and the two special events for the first three weeks of horse shows: â–ª Sunday, May 30 – $50,000 EMO Grand Prix, 2pm â–ª Saturday, June 5 – Taste-of HITS from 12-2pm. â–ª Sunday, June 6 – $75,000 HITS Grand...

Ulster County Housing Consortium seeks volunteers

Volunteers needed to organize a social networking campaign for the Ulster County Housing Consortium and teach others to implement the campaign. See http://www.givehousingavoice.com/ for more information or call Joan at 331-2140 x263. [si-contact-form...

Stream Steward Volunteers Wanted in Ashokan Watershed

The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program seeks volunteers for its Stream Stewards Program. Stream Stewards is an ongoing group of volunteers with an interest in protecting the streams of the Ashokan Watershed. The Ashokan Watershed includes the Esopus Creek and...

UlsterCorps Open House

Saturday, July 24th, 11am-1pm 292 Main Street, Rosendale – Map Please join us for our monthly Open House at our Storefront for Service, 292 Main Street in Rosendale. Stop by to meet others dedicated to serving our community and learn about upcoming events, long...

6th Annual Woodstock Volunteers’ Day

The mission of the Woodstock Volunteers’ Day Committee is to acknowledge and recognize all the volunteers in our community. Our goal is to have the volunteers know that they are valued and appreciated. An additional aspect of our mission is to raise awareness about...