Jun 23, 2010
The Girl Scout Mission is to build Girls of Courage Confidence and Character who make the world a better place. Our goal is to create the leaders of tomorrow by helping girls experience leadership today. We do this using the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience:...
Jun 23, 2010
Ulster County Habitat for Humanity looking for a volunteer to be site supervisor for our newest house in Kingston. Must be very knowledgeable in building/construction and able to supervise and teach volunteers. Requires a commitment of two days a week. If you are...
Jun 17, 2010
The Safe Routes to Schools and Parks committee of the Healthy Kingston for Kids project is looking for at least 5 youth to participate in our GIS Community Mapping Team. The Team will meet every Friday afternoon throughout the summer. Join Kingston’s GIS...
Jun 9, 2010
Suggested Donation List Condiments: Garlic powder Italian seasoning Onion powder Fruits – canned – regular and no sugar added Hash Jam/jelly – regular and sugar free Jello – regular and sugar free Macaroni & cheese Pancake mix (complete) Peanut butter...
Jun 6, 2010
Compeer of MHA in Ulster County matches caring trained volunteers with community members who are receiving mental health services. Compeer volunteers really make a difference in their friends lives. Volunteers meet with their friend 4 hours a month and share...