Jun 7, 2009
October 4th, 2009 Open hours 12pm – 3pm Volunteers needed to help on the day of the bike event handing out water and snacks to the road racers, people to register bikers, and we may need some help ahead of time for people to help lay out the mountain bike trail....
Jun 5, 2009
Save Them Now is seeking 1 to 3 new board members, including a treasurer. Keeping our books is pretty simple at this point, but someone needs to do it. Our treasurer just took a job over by the Connecticut border, so he’s no longer going to be available. The...
Jun 4, 2009
Don’t Miss The 11th Annual Great Plant Swap & Sale This Weekend! Join Ulster County’s Master Gardeners at The Great Plant Swap and Sale taking place this Saturday, June 6. The swap and sale will once again take place in the pavilion near the Forsythe...
Jun 4, 2009
The Rewards for Excellence Program meets every Friday evening at the Everette Hodge Mid-town Community Center from 6-9:30pm. Volunteers are needed to work with mid-town youth teaching computer skills, life skills, leadership & interview skills, cooking and more....
Jun 2, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 5-6pm UCSPCA Shelter, 20 Wiedy Road, Kingston, NY An overview of the Ulster County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Shelter’s mission and how you can help, working with cats and dogs and other animals in need. Topics include a...