Anderson Center for Autism seeks artists and more

May 2, 2011

Anderson Center for Autism serves children and adults on the autism spectrum. The main campus is located in Staatsburg, NY with residences and day habilitation centers located throughout Dutchess and Ulster counties.

To supplement our funded services Anderson Center seeks energetic, creative and talented volunteers who can contribute their time serving our very special population. Some of the ways volunteers can help are in the area of art and art therapy, music, dance, horticulture, computer skills training, assisting at events, sports/Special Olympics, cooking, coordinating or assisting with fund raising events. We are open to all creative ideas and would love to hear from you. If you have as little as one hour a week to give, please contact Laura Taylor, Assistant Director of Human Resources at (845) 889-9225 or write to her at
4885 Rt. 9 PO Box 367
Staatsburg, NY 12580
(845) 889-9225
(845) 889-9916 Fax

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331