The Alzheimer’s Association is looking for just the right person to be a co-facilitator for a bi-weekly caregiver support group in Kingston to begin in the near future. We have a tentative day and time (Thursday evenings – twice/month) and one facilitator is already on board, but we’re trying to find a second one. All of our support group leaders are trained volunteers or staff members and this is no exception. Being a facilitator in this new group will be a volunteer role, and requires a one day training by the Alzheimer’s Association . The rewards are abundant, but the pay is non-existent. If you have empathy for those caring for someone with dementia, have good interpersonal skills, and you’d like to be of service to others in this way, please contact: Wendy Rudder (info below) or meg Boyce: 845-471-2655 or
Thank you.
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