When: Sunday June 25, 2017
Where: Forsyth Park, 157 Lucas Avenue, Kingston NY 12401. Parking is at Dietz Stadium, 170 North Front Street, Kingston NY 21401
Event Schedule:
8am – Registration Opens
9am – 25 and 50 Mile Road Rides and 32 Mile Road and Trail “Endurance Ride” start
10am – 10 and 18 Rail Trail Rides start
11am – 5 Mile Family Ride start
12:30 – BBQ lunch for all riders
1:30pm – Scholarship Awards Presented
2pm – Clean up and close down
Please visit our website for more detailed information:
or follow us on https://www.facebook.com/TourDeKingston/
Some volunteers will be needed at 7am and some later in the day. We should be completely wrapped up by 3pm. You do not need to volunteer for the entire time, but if you can that would be great. If you’d like to ride, and help out also we can work that out. Please just let me know your availability and preference.
Many of you have already reached out to help, or have helped in the past. If that is the case THANK YOU! If you remember what role you had in years past I can keep you in that same spot or you may try something else. Up to you! There are plenty of important jobs to go around and there is no issue with switching things up. You let me know.
If you are wondering how to help there are many different support spots to choose from. Feel free to choose a job that suits you, or we can assign you a spot. I will be forwarding a list of jobs to pick from when we I have everyone commitment and contact info. So please stay posted
If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions please feel free to contact me:
Rose Quinn
quinnr@sunyulster.edu 845-266-6096