Greetings and many thanks to all of you who volunteer to help the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation with the management of our public lands!
This training will cover all aspects of the Volunteer Stewardship Agreement (VSA) program including: an overview of Department rules, regulations and policies; goals and objectives for managing our natural resources; workman’s compensation coverage and how it relates to volunteers; user/volunteer ethics; communication with the general public and similar topics.
In addition, we will cover trail/lean-to maintenance which will include brushing/proper pruning techniques, use of saws/chainsaws for blow down removal, marking, water bar maintenance, re-routes, invasive species, use of stains/preservatives and many other topics related to maintenance of our facilities on publicly owned lands. We also plan to discuss safety, education, communication and reporting issues that are very important to all involved.
Although this training is not mandatory, we strongly urge all to send at least one representative to receive the updates. This is a great opportunity to meet with some of the Forestry and Forest Ranger staff who are charged with the management and protection of these lands.
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone we may have missed.
Long ago, the Department held periodic training sessions with our volunteer groups to insure good communications were maintained and all were aware of the current policies/practices associated with the management of our public lands. It’s been a long time since the last training and with all the change that’s occurred in the interim, we are long overdue to meet. I am pleased to announce that the Department is now offering a training/update session for all volunteers who work on NYS DEC lands managed by the Division of Lands and Forests in Regions 3 & 4. Lands covered in this training session will include Forest Preserve, State Forest, Multiple Use and Unique Areas. The training will be held in the NYS DEC Region 3 headquarters in New Paltz on Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 9 a.m. to noon. The office address is 21 South Putt Corners Road, New Paltz, NY 12561 and is located approximately ½ mile from Exit 18 on the NYS Thruway.
For those planning to attend, please reply so we can plan accordingly.
We look forward to seeing you there!