Farm to Food Pantry Processing
Tuesday August 30th, 2016, 10:30am-3:30pm and
Wednesday, August 31st, 2016, 9am-2pm
Rondout Valley High School
122 Kyserike Rd, Accord, NY 12404
Thanks to our generous local growers, we have once again received an amazing abundance of tomatoes and peppers for the Farm to Food Pantry Program, so we will be making tomato sauce and slicing up peppers tomorrow, Tuesday August 30th beginning at 10:30am and Wednesday August 31st beginning at 9am at the Rondout Valley High School, located at 122 Kyserike Rd in Accord. The peppers and sauce will be frozen for winter distribution at local food pantries and feeding programs. We could use LOTS of helpers and you are welcome to join us for any and all of the day. Please let us know if you can make it by replying to this email or calling/texting (845) 481-0331.
To get the the RV High School kitchen, take the 3rd Street entrance and drive around to the loading dock behind the green house. Enter through the loading dock, walk past the walk-in coolers to the kitchen.