Fantine Kill Watershed Community Clean-Up

Fantine Kill Watershed  Community Clean-Up


October 19, 2019    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


16 North Main Street
16 North Main Street, Ellenville, NY

when: Saturday October 19th, 2019 at 10am – 12pm
where: 16 North Main Street Ellenville

Senator Jen Metzger, in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension’s 4-H Tech Wizards Program, the Town of Wawarsing Environmental Conservation Commission, Riverkeeper, and the Rondout Creek Watershed Alliance, are pleased to sponsor a watershed clean-up event at the Fantine Kill in Ellenville, New York. Event activities will include a lesson on stream management and removal of litter and invasive species along 500 feet of the stream channel. Safety tools and equipment will be provided.

More info: