6th Annual Angel Food East Mac N Cheese Bake Off

6th Annual Angel Food East Mac N Cheese Bake Off


March 3, 2019    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Keegan Ales
20 St. James Street, Kingston, NY 12401

6th Annual Angel Food East Mac N Cheese Bake Off
Sunday March 3rd, 2019, 2-5pm
Keegan Ales, 20 St James St, Kingston

Volunteers needed for the 6th Annual Mac N Cheese Bake Off to benefit Angel Food East Sunday March 3rd, 2019, 2-5pm at Keegan Ales, 20 St James St, Kingston. Tasks include help setting up before the event, serving samples during the event and cleaning up/breaking down after it’s over. To sign up to volunteer or for more information call 845-532-3581 …or if you know you have the BEST Mac n Cheese recipe, register to compete!
