Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training


February 21, 2019 - February 22, 2019    
9:00 am - 1:15 pm


UC Department of Mental Health
239 Golden Hill Lane, Kingston, NY, 12401

Help a young person with a mental health struggle

Youth Mental Health First Aid
Two-Day Training

February 21 & 22nd, 2019

UC Department of Mental Health
2nd Floor Conference Room
239 Golden Hill Lane Kingston, NY 12401

You can help!
If a young person you know has a panic attack, would you know what to do? How about an eating disorder or if they deliberately harm themself? Would you know how to recognize a condition and respond appropriately?

Learn an evidence-based action plan to help! This important free training is recommended for teachers, coaches, case workers, physicians, first responders, police officers, faith leaders, parents and other adults in regular contact with youth. But anyone 18 or older may take it.

More info and RSVP

Funded by SAMHSA and offered through a partnership between HealthAlliance, Family of Woodstock, and Ulster County Department of Mental Health