Blue Mountain Bloomers: Standing: Julia Quinlan, Marlow Tessier, Abby Hart and Chip Johnson. Kneeling: Hilary Mulford, Annika Fisher, Nissa Savanhoe, Lauren Turk, Brynn Fisher, Daniel MacIsaac, and Mitchell Hart
The market will take place from 9:00am to 2:00pm at the Cahill Elementary School lot located at 119 Main Street in Saugerties. Rain or shine.
In addition to the seedling sale, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer all your gardening questions and offer soil testing. Soil tests are available for $3 per cup of dry soil.
For more information about Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s 4-H Youth Development Program, the Master Gardener Program or other educational programs offered to the community, call 845-340-3990 or visit online at http://counties.cce.cornell.edu/ulster/
Blue Mountain Bloomers: Standing: Julia Quinlan, Marlow Tessier, Abby Hart and Chip Johnson. Kneeling: Hilary Mulford, Annika Fisher, Nissa Savanhoe, Lauren Turk, Brynn Fisher, Daniel MacIsaac, and Mitchell Hart