3rd Annual Walk-A-Thon To Benefit the Hospice Foundation of Ulster County

Apr 13, 2009

The Students of the Registered Medical Assistant Program of Ulster County BOCES Health Occupations 3rd Annual Fund-raiser Walk-A-Thon for Hospice, Inc.

3rd Annual Walk-A-Thon To Benefit the Hospice Foundation of Ulster County

When: Saturday, May 2, 2099
Where: Dietz Stadium, Kingston
Time: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Rain or shine!

DJ’s from T&E Entertainment
Facepainting, refreshments 50/50 with prizes & more!

Hospice is there for all in need in our community. Please join us to help raise contributions for this worthy organization .

Come one, come all, and walk with us!

Sponsored by The Registered Medical Assistant Students, Ulster County BOCES Health Occupations

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Weinberger, RMA Instructor, at 845 266-4938 or by email mweinber@mhric.org .

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