2011 UlsterCorps Service Sprint Race Results

Nov 4, 2011

Mendy Taylor 34 F 30:09:00
Mike Siudy 37 M 30:35:00
Wyatt Pileggi 35 M 33:31:00
David Seche 51 M 34:03:00
Bill Rudge 52 M 34:30:00
Michael DeStasio 48 M 34:51:00
Terry Newman 55 M 35:01:00
Jacque Schiffer 47 F 36:19:00
Ian Erne 51 M 36:27:00
Patty Lankhorst 42 F 37:02:00
Aaron Brown 13 M` 37:23:00
Rich Van Kleeck 58 M 38:31:00
Alex Schauf 13 M 38:46:00
Sarah Rudge 13 F 38:47:00
Jenny Carpenter 40 F 39:10:00
William Otis 46 M 40:04:00
Greg Maschinot 45 M 40:10:00
Brian Smith 28 M 42:30:00
Michelle DiDonna 42 F 43:22:00
Mathew Bryant 27 M 43:34:00
Joe Jerkowski 47 M 43:43:00
Mark Gadamski 28 M 44:30:00
Lindsay Hutton 28 F 44:30:00
Stacey Byford 45 F 44:36:00
Beth McLendon 41 F 45:03:00
Sarah Ryan 39 F 45:21:00
Josh Leis 23 M 46:47:00
Lauren Bryant 26 F 47:01:00
Lisa Jerkowski 44 F 47:28:00
Kate Still 26 F 48:08:00
Ezra Finn 11 M 49:19:00
Robert Melikyan 13 M 49:20:00
Josh Finn 46 M 49:21:00
Fred Piscop 61 M 49:47:00
Karen Spinozzi 63 F 49:47:00
Sandra Nencetti 50 F 50:04:00
Liz Kutz 37 F 50:11:00
Jamie Howard 46 M 50:13:00
Kaj-Erik Eriksen 57 M 51:17:00
Kirsten Roberts 47 F 52:03:00
Everett White 69 M 52:03:00
Amanda Kenney 33 F 52:45:00
Pamela McFarland 32 F 52:46:00
Nancy Pompeo 45 F 53:06:00
Naomi Wielgos 47 F 53:06:00
Melinda Beuf 51 F 53:08:00
Larry Kalvar 61 M 55:50:00
Martin Weiner 63 M 61:07:00
Ben Hayes 14 M 70:09:00
Maggie Schoonmaker 54 F 71:07:00
Christian Mitchell 15 M 72:50:00
Zachary Kruppa 16 M 74:01:00
Christina Churchill 40 F 77:30:00
Cathy Erenzo 31 F 77:33:00
Le Anna Larison 25 F 77:34:00
Robin Hayes 49 F 77:35:00
Nicole Bruno 15 F 79:10:00
Imani Huerta 17 F 79:13:00

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