13th Annual UlsterCorps Service Summit

Mar 12, 2023

The 13th Annual UlsterCorps Service Summit will be held Thursday April 13th, 2023 from 8:30am – noon at SUNY New Paltz and is co-sponsored by the Center for Student Engagement and the Benjamin Center for Public Policy at SUNY New Paltz, Rondout Savings Bank, and Ulster Savings Bank.

For our 2023 Service Summit, we will focus on Expanding Outreach: Amplifying Volunteer Voices for Next Generation Service. How can we best be of service to the next generation while honoring our past? We’ll be hearing from panelists representing a diverse range of service learning and engagement programs as well as media outlets across the County that, working together, broaden our understanding of the challenges and opportunities to expand volunteerism, service and community engagement in our current climate. We will explore and seek to weave together intergenerational models of volunteerism and collaboration. The Summit will emphasize the importance of in-person social engagement, strategies for re-engaging volunteers of all ages and abilities, and fostering active community. The Summit will also include roundtable discussions in English and Spanish, giving all attendees an opportunity to participate and network.

Speakers include:

The Summit, which is free to participants, is part of the on-going work of UlsterCorps to deepen the knowledge about volunteerism and to find ways to strengthen a culture of service and collaboration in Ulster County. A locally-sourced, healthy breakfast is included. Registration is limited to the first 50 individuals to register by emailing register@ulstercorps.org or calling/texting 845-481-0331.

2023 Service Summit Agenda
More information about past Service Summits

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org