Tuesday, July 14 beginning a little after 7 p.m.
Marbletown Community Center
We are replacing our regularly-scheduled Working Groups Meeting with our first practice drill, a tabletop exercise, to help us simulate a real emergency/disaster situation in which we would be called upon to respond. We thank Bob Bloom for offering to facilitate this exercise! Following the drill we will discuss our strong points and come up with action items for Working Groups to focus on to help us to work out any weak areas we may find. We will also update members on progress the Working Groups have made since the last meeting, talk about last weekend’s Farm Animal 101 class (thanks to Kathy Keefe, Catskill Animal Sanctuary!), update the group on future training classes and tabling events, and report on our upcoming follow-up meeting with Steve Peterson of the Office of Emergency Management on July 6.
20 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.