Rosendale Picklefest Festival

Rosendale Picklefest Festival


November 17, 2018    
All Day


Rosendale Recreation Center
1055 NY-32, Rosendale, NY 12472

The Picklefest has been around for over 20 years and we always use the proceeds to benefit local organizations and non-profits.  We’ve raised and given away over $100,000.

We typically host the Picklefest at the Rosendale Recreation Center on Route 32 and bring in several huge tents. We set everything up in the days before the tickle fest.  We usually expect around 5,000 attendees.

To host our event, we need volunteers:

  • 10 volunteers will be needed to volunteer on Saturday, November 17, starting at 9:00 am.  
  • We could also use help in the days before in the evening to help with outdoor tasks in the tents. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for 1 or 2 hours each evening.
  • We also could use help the day of the event helping with parking. Those are two hour shifts from 9 am -4 pm. On Sunday 11/18/18.
  • Volunteers should wear work clothes.  We supply pizza and beverages at 1:00 pm on Saturday… and PICKLETEER T-SHIRTS, too.