New Paltz Earth Day Fair
Sunday April 26th, 2015
Reformed Church of New Paltz
92 Huguenot Street, New Paltz
Volunteers needed Setting up on Saturday — the heavy lifting stuff — from 2-4pm. We will also need help taking down/returning tables at 3 pm – ish Sunday afternoon.
Making signs and/or hammering them into the ground during set up (around 9-9:30 ish) on Sunday morning would be great if there are folks interested in that.
Volunteers also welcome for kids’ activities, e.g. face painting or something environmentally clever!
If you can help out please contact Janet at or call 255-6340
U-Team Opportunity!
WHAT: Set-up on previous day for New Paltz Earth Day Fair 2015
WHEN: Saturday, April 25
WHERE: Reformed Church of New Paltz, 92 Huguenot St. 12561
WHO/WHY: New Paltz Climate Action Coalition and Reformed Church of NP-community wide gathering of sustainability and earth wise practices
JOB & SHIFT: 5 volunteers
2p to 4p–Lifting and placement of heavy tables for Fair.
DETAILS: Rain or shine. Parking onsite at church. Ask for Janet or Jim who are the co-coordinators of the whole event. Volunteers last year had lots of fun working together.
To assist as part of the U-Team, contact Susan at or register below
30 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.