It is that time again, time to start planning for the Third Annual Hudson Valley Harvest Festival! This years’ festival will be held September 20th and 21st at the Ulster County Fairgrounds in New Paltz. The festival is a collaboration between Family of Woodstock, Inc. and Cornell Cooperative Extension and we are in need of volunteers for various tasks throughout the weekend. Here is a list of the various tasks needed as well as a brief description of the job responsibilities.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact: . David Sterman, a FOW board member and UlsterCorps volunteer has been nice enough to be our volunteer coordinator this year! Volunteers receive free admission to the festival. For the majority of tasks listed below, there are two shifts per day, 9:30am-2pm and 1:30pm-6pm.
Vending (FOW) This position is working in the Family of Woodstock Vending tent, and may include but not be limited to preparing and selling food & beverages.
Parking This position involves the directing of traffic into the parking lot and assisting people in parking in the appropriate areas to ease traffic flow. There are ideally 4-6 people on this position at all times.
Crossing This position is always held by two people at a time. This position requires stopping vehicle traffic on Libertyville Road to allow for groups of people to cross from the parking lot/ticketing booth side of the road to the event, and vice versa. Reflective jackets and stop signs are provided.
Back Gate This position is located at the entry gate into the fairgrounds on the pool side of the grounds. This involves ensuring that no unauthorized vehicles enter the fairgrounds as well as ensuring that all people entering the grounds have the appropriate wristband. At times, this position may also include selling entry wristbands or checking people’s names against the volunteer list.
Front Gate This position is at the far gate located on Libertyville Road. This involves ensuring that no unauthorized vehicles enter the fairgrounds, checking musician passes and directing people to the parking lot and main gate for entry.
Hospitality This position involves maintaining the hospitality room for musicians, ensuring only authorized access and keeping the area clean and restocking as needed.
Tickets This position is located in the ticket booth across the street from the Fairgrounds. This position involves the selling of tickets for the event and maintaining records in accordance with the monetary policy that has been set up by CCE. There are always several people selling tickets at one time and one person dedicated to will call.
Greeters This position is located at the entrance to the fairgrounds after the ticket booth. This position involves welcoming people to the festival, distributing programs as people enter and ensuring that they have the appropriate colored wristband. If they have not purchased a ticket, this involves directing them back to the ticket booth.
Set Up This position is for the day before the event or the morning before the event begins. This position assists in ensuring that the trash receptacles, recycling receptacles and tables are set up throughout the Fairgrounds as well as assisting FOW and CCE in setting up their sites.
Clean Up This position starts shortly before the festival ends on each day and assists in cleaning up prior to the festival ending on Saturday night and closing the fairgrounds for the night. On Sunday, this entails ensuring the garbage and recycling have been brought to the dumpster and setting the Fairgrounds back to their closing state.
Floaters This position is an overflow position, allowing people to have breaks as needed and filling in where assistance may be needed at busy times.
If you have any questions or would like more information on the Festival itself, you can visit the website at http:// or you can contact Nicole Villani at 331-7080 ext.155 or Jessica Pierce at ext.144.
37 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.