when: Wednesday October 11th 2017, 12-4:30pm
where: Ulster County Community Action
70 Lindsley Avenue, Kingston
Volunteers needed Wednesday October 11th from 12-4:30pm at Ulster County Community Action, 70 Lindsley Avenue, Kingston for a Farm to Food Pantry processing. We will be making apple sauce from apples donated by Greig Farm in Red Hook, harvested in collaboration with Long Table Harvest. The apple sauce will be frozen for winter distribution through local food pantries, shelters & soup kitchens. Volunteers (of all ages) are welcome to come even for just an hour any time within that window.
Thank you so much to our incredibly generous local farmers; to Ulster County Community Action for allowing us use of your kitchen; to RVGA and Family of Woodstock for your leadership of this beautiful collaboration; to the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, the Local Economies Project of The New World Foundation, Carve for a Cause and TD Charitable Foundation for your support; and to our awesome Glean Team volunteers!!
10 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.