when: Thursday November 26th, 2020
where: Woodstock, NY
For more than 40 years, Family of Woodstock has hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for the entire community at the Mescal Hornbeck Community Center.
This year will be a little different. Our most important goals are to keep everybody safe and healthy, in addition to well fed.
We have a new plan this year to make sure everyone has a special holiday meal, while keeping socially distanced and ensuring physical and emotional safety for everyone.
We will be providing turkeys with all the fixins’ for people in the Greater Woodstock area, including Woodstock, Bearsville, Shady, Lake Hill, Willow, Mount Tremper, Shokan, and Boiceville.
If you would like to sign up for a Thanksgiving Food Basket with Family of Woodstock, please call us at 845-679-2485.
Ellenville area residents can sign up for Thanksgiving baskets by contacting Family of Ellenville at 845-647- 2443. Pick up dates are Nov 23, 24th and 25th. Must call to schedule appointments between 10:00a.m and 3:00p.m. Must wear masks & Bring your own bags.
New Paltz area residents can sign up for Thanksgiving baskets by contacting Family of New Paltz at 845-255-7957.
If you are outside of these areas please, check out these other local resources for Thanksgiving Dinners.
Peoples Place https://www.peoplesplaceuc.org/programs/
Rondout Valley food Pantry http://www.rvfoodpantry.org/index.php/programs
Salvation Army https://ny.salvationarmy.org/kingston/
Community Action http://uccac.org/
St. Francis De Sales church Phoenicia https://stfrancisdesalesphoenicia.com/
Phoenicia Food Pantry https://www.shandaken-ny.com/services/shandaken-food-pantry/
Please share this with friends and family. Thank you, and have a safe & joyful Holiday!
7 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.