Family of Woodstock Inc.’s
2nd Annual Pop-Up Flea Market
Saturday, August 27th 9am – 2pm
Old Dutch Church – 272 Wall Street, Kingston
Do you have a garage full of stuff you’ll never use? An attic that’s so cluttered that you don’t even go up there anymore? Have you been meaning to have a yard sale for years but just never get around to it? If you answered yes to any of these questions I have great news for you! We are seeking donations for the 2nd Annual Family of Woodstock pop up Flea Market.
This fabulous event will take place on August 27th, 2016 at the Old Dutch Church during the Farm Market, and will benefit the Joan Mayer Fund. Joan worked tirelessly with Family’s adolescents for more than twenty years. The Fund, established in her memory after her death in 2005, provides important extras to young people at FAMILY like school supplies, special clothing, emergency food, to access birth certificates, or transportation expenses for education or employment opportunities etc…
Items we are seeking are small furniture items (able to fit in a car), antiques, art, nick nacks, kitchen ware, toys, and tools, basically anything you would sell at a yard sale. (No clothing) Call Tori to arrange a drop off or possible pick up of your donation, or if you are in the neighborhood you can drop off a donation at 39 John St. Kingston. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Joan Mayer fund please contact Tori or Nicole at (845) 331-7080.
10 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.