Disaster Volunteer Reception Center Training
Tuesday October 27th, 2015, 9am-12pm at
United Way of Ulster County, 450 Albany Avenue, Kingston
FREE and Open to the Public
The Ulster County Disaster Response & Recovery Committee will be holding a Volunteer Reception Center Training Tuesday October 27th, 2015, 9am-12pm. This free training is open to the public and will be led by Skip Zimmerman, Regional Volunteer Services Officer for the American Red Cross, Eastern New York Region.
During a time of emergency, a Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) can be established to serve as a clearinghouse to assist people who are looking to volunteer. In addition, it can support first responders and voluntary organizations that may be inundated with spontaneous volunteers after a disaster has occurred. The Volunteer Reception Center is a support annex to the Ulster County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan a component of the Ulster County Office of Emergency Management. The VRC can help support many of the Emergency Support Functions.
The training builds on the Standard Operating Procedures to provide guidance for safe, efficient and scalable volunteer management. The Plan includes integration with incident management systems; communication with community members and voluntary organizations; volunteer reception, screening and training; matching and deployment; and volunteer retention.
9:00 am Welcome & Introductions
9:15 am Overview & Goals
1. Create & build a VRC Leadership Team
2. Become familiar with roles & duties
3. Apply operation principles to scenarios
9:30 am Manual Review
Copies for all – quick overview
9:45 am Job Description Review
High level review
10:00 am Leadership Roles & Backup
1. Confirm as many position holders as possible prior to training
2. Identify gaps
3. Backup, long-term operation plan
4. Avoiding burnout
5. Discussion
10:30 am Scenarios Discussion
1. Blue Sky Operation
2. Moderate-scale Event
3. Large-scale Event
11:30 am Take-Aways, Learning & Gaps
Assign gaps to individuals or task groups. Tools, location & supplies confirmation
12:00 pm Adjourn
Register below or by emailing volunteer@ulstercorps.org or by phone to (845) 481-0331.
0 spaces available
Online registration is not available for this event.