WHAT: Building a New Playground For Students with Autism
WHEN: Friday afternoon May 15, Satruday, May 16 Many volunteers needed.
WHERE: 4 Yankee Place, Ellenville, NY 12428
WHO/WHY: The Center for Spectrum Services (Ellenville) needs a large number of volunteers to help build a new playground.
Builders: these jobs require that you be comfortable using tools such as electronic and manual screw drivers, wrenches, etc. Lifters: Moving items such as heavy bags of cement and pieces of the playground under construction. Servers: help with food, beverages along with other light work. Friday 1-6PM (a lot of building and prepping). Saturday, two shifts: 8AM-1:30 and 1:30-5PM. (Needs are greatest for the Friday and Saturday afternoon slots).
PERKS: Ample parking on site. Water bottles and snacks served.
DETAILS: Must be 18 years of age (or 16-17 with a signed parental consent form). Rain or shine event. After parking, go to onsite Volunteer Area to check in and ask for Dave Juhren. You wil then be directed to, and trained for, your job. (Check-in will be clearly marked.) Coordinators will be in the building area.
To sign up through the UlsterCorps U-Team please email u-team@ulstercorps.org or register below.
To sign up directly with the Center for Spectrum Services, please click here or contact Spectrum Services’ Development Coordinator David Juhren, at 845-336-2616 Ext. 165, or Program Coordinator Sandra Brownsey at 845-647-6464
10 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.