9th Annual Tour De Kingston and Ulster
Forsyth Park, Kingston
Sunday June 22, 2014
Volunteers needed for set up, to help with registration, staff rest stops and for clean up at the end. The timeframe is 7am to 2pm, minimum of a one-hour commitment. Anyone interested can call or email Tom at the YMCA, 845-338-3810, x102, TPolk@ymcaulster.org
The 9th Annual Tour de Kingston scheduled for June 22nd, 2013 with a start and finish at Forsyth Nature Center in Forsyth Park Kingston NY. In addition to the 5 mile Tour of Kingston with stops at the Senate House and Firemen’s Museum as well as a tour of Forsyth Nature Center (ALL FREE) there is a FREE COOKOUT at the end of the ride.
845-338-3810, x102
10 spaces available
Registration is closed for this event.