Apr 9, 2009
“Fulfillment” A benefit for the Rosendale Food Pantry May 16th 2009 12-5pm At the Rosendale rec. center on rt 32 silent auction, music and poetry bake sale suggested donation at door $2 or item of non- perishable food for pantry shelves if interested in...
Apr 8, 2009
Project HOPE – our exciting new mentoring program in which Women Mentor Other Women to Success launched in March with its first 9 Mentoring Partnerships! They are an amazing group of women who are now on the first leg of their year long journey with one another....
Apr 6, 2009
Community Gleaning Days August, September & October. Volunteers will work in the fields harvesting seconds and other left over produce, we will also have opportunities for people to work in a processing kitchen to prepare food to give to the soup kitchens and...
Apr 4, 2009
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2009 Gleanings! RVGA Farms to Food Pantries Sweet Corn Processing Day 9/22 Apple Cider Pressing for Food Pantries 10/4 RVGA Gleaning for Food Pantries 11/4 Apple Gleaning for Food Pantries 11/5-15 Apple Gleaning for Food...
Apr 2, 2009
Senior Corps – RSVP Volunteer Orientation April 23 10-12am BRC Conference Room 108. Volunteer Recognition & Awards Ceremony August 12 Hillside Manor, @ 11:30. Pen Pal Picnic June 18 Hudson River Maritime Museum RSVP of Ulster County...
Apr 1, 2009
Christ´s Lutheran Church 26 Mill Hill Rd Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-2336 Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Plant Sale and Fair, Sunday, May 24, 10am-5pm – Church Lady Baked Goods, Plants, Go Fish for the kids The Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, located in the Fellowship...