Sep 20, 2016
Ulster Co. Habitat for Humanity is finishing a home in Kingston and is looking forward to breaking ground on a new Build Project this fall. Volunteers 17 and older with carpentry, framing, and similar skills/experience are needed. Safety is a Habitat priority. To...
Jul 3, 2016
Volunteers are the heart of Ulster Habitat. All volunteer efforts support our mission to bring people together to build homes, community and hope. Finishing touches are being put on our 13th house in Kingston and ground breaking for number 14 is imminent. Many...
Jun 15, 2016
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC) is a non-profit food rescue organization headquartered in New York City and operating in 12 cities, including Poughkeepsie/Kingston in the Mid-Hudson area. RLC rescues food that would otherwise be wasted from restaurants, farmers...
May 5, 2016
Volunteers (a small group would be ideal) needed over the next couple weeks to help spread wood chips on the paths at the Kingston YMCA Farm Project, and assist with weeding and other tasks throughout the growing season. If you can help out please register below or...
Apr 14, 2016
• Farms • Farmers Markets • Food Pantries & Meal Programs Thank you to the Rondout Valley Growers Association for information about local farms & farmers markets Click here to Open Map in New Window Click here for a list of Food Pantry hours...
Jun 11, 2015
Throughout the summer and into the Fall volunteers are needed to help distribute thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables every Tuesday between 9am-1pm. Strong, able-bodied people are needed who can move boxes, help bag produce, break down boxes, and get food into...