Fri., April 24th & Sun., April 26th, 9am-4pm. SEEDLING POTTING EVENT. Location: NYSDEC Region III, New Paltz. The Hudson River Estuary Program will be potting-up bareroot seedlings for their “Trees for Tribs” initiative in celebration of Arbor Day (April...

Duzine and Lenape Schools plan organic vegetable gardens this spring

Duzine and Lenape Schools plan organic vegetable gardens this spring: come to an organizing meeting March 17th The Duzine/Lenape PTA is inviting community members to help a new and exciting project come to fruition: organic vegetable gardens at both schools. If you...

From the Ground Up – Soup and Bread Discussion 3/14

From the Ground Up A Wellness Program with its Roots in the Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please join us for a Soup and Bread Discussion Topic: How does your School or Community Garden Grow? March 14th 11:30 –...

13th Annual New Paltz Clean Sweep Seeks Volunteers

Clean Sweep 2009 Volunteers Wanted! New Paltz , NY – The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce seeks volunteer groups to help with the 13th Annual New Paltz Clean Sweep, to be held on Saturday, April 25, 2009. Clean Sweep is a great way to help make your community...