Ulster Co. Habitat for Humanity is finishing a home in Kingston and is looking forward to breaking ground on a new Build Project this fall. Volunteers 17 and older with carpentry, framing, and similar skills/experience are needed. Safety is a Habitat priority. To register or for more information, contact the Volunteer Office, Wed -Sat from […]
Posts in category Affordable/Transitional Housing
Habitat for Humanity ReStore seeks voluntee...
Volunteers are the heart of Ulster Habitat. All volunteer efforts support our mission to bring people together to build homes, community and hope. Finishing touches are being put on our 13th house in Kingston and ground breaking for number 14 is imminent. Many opportunities are available including in our ReStore assisting customers on the sales […]
Ulster County Habitat for Humanity seeks voluntee...
Volunteers are the heart of Ulster Habitat. All volunteer efforts support our mission to bring people together to build homes, community and hope. Finishing touches are being put on our 13th house in Kingston and ground breaking for number 14 is imminent. Many opportunities are available including in our ReStore assisting customers on the sales […]
Volunteers needed for Habitat for Humanity’s ReSto...
Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, located next to the Hess Gas Station at 406 state Route 28, Kingston opened to the public September 2013. Customers at the ReStore can purchase gently-used household goods and supplies at discounted prices – 100% of the profits support Ulster County Habitat for Humanity and help build homes and hope right […]
UC Habitat for Humanity Restore Buildi...
ULSTER COUNTY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESTORE BUILDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help assist in weekly pick ups of materials and donations for flood relief. Wednesdays, 3-5 hours. Please contact 845-853-7499 or ulster_hfh@yahoo.com. The Restore is located at 406 route 28, Kingston. (1 mile west of Thruway circle next to Hess Station)
Habitat for Humanity of Ulster County seeks Volunteer Site Supervis...
WANTED: Volunteer Site Supervisor needed for Habitat for Humanity of Ulster County. Flexible hours, prefer 2 days per week. Be on site to accept donations, supervise volunteers with renovation & organizing of our future offices and ReStore warehouse on Rt. 28, Kingston, NY. If interested, please call 845-340-0907 or ulster_hfh@yahoo.com. Thank you!