Hudson Valley Hospice End-of-Life Doula program

End-of-Life Doula Volunteer Put Your Heart in Service To People at the End of Life Hudson Valley Hospice is starting an End-of-Life Doula program. Just as a birth doula brings greater comfort and meaning to the process of labor and delivery, our end-of-life (EOL)...

Habitat for Humanity

Volunteers are the heart of Ulster Habitat. We are happy to work with young people aged 16 and older interested in fulfilling community service requirements or ongoing volunteering. Opportunities are available in our ReStore or in age-appropriate and safe activities...

Food Bank Deliveries to Kingston

Groups of strong, able-bodied volunteers are needed to help pickup and unload monthly Regional Food Bank deliveries to People’s Place Food Pantry in Kingston. For specific delivery dates and more information, contact Christine at People’s Place Food Pantry...

Phillies Bridge Farm Project

Chicken Fence Volunteer Day Nov. 14th 12:30pm – 3:00pm Phillies Bridge Farm 45 Phillies Bridge Road New Paltz, NY 12561 Come down to the farm to help us finish building our new chicken fence before winter sets in! Click Here to Sign-Up!


UlsterCorps – Glean from The Jones Street Gang Map of Current Volunteer Opportunities Skillsets Opportunities for Groups Opportunities for Youth Featured Ongoing Opportunities: Become a Mentor! You can make a difference! · Tech Wizards Youth Mentoring –...